
november is the cruelest month

Seriously. Staff morale is at an all-time low.

November, however, is time for another type of insanity: it's National Novel Writing Month (check out www.nanowrimo.org, or ywp.nanowrimo.org for the kids' version). People all over the world sit down and try to write a brand new novel in 30 days. The adult goal is 50,000 words; this is the length of The Great Gatsby, and not the recommended length for modern publishing, but it's still quite a feat.

I'm doing it. Not so much for myself, but because it's just the sort of batshit insane thing that's a great teaching project; I figured that if I'm making my students do it, then it was only fair that I do it too. I told them that they had to do at least 18,000 words, but I have a few who set their goals higher. I even have two that are aiming for 50,000 with me.

As of this moment, I am at 3,557 words, but I haven't spent much time on it. It's coming surprisingly easily when I do actually sit down and do it.

Anyway. Since I have so little spare time, and that basically has to be spent writing this novel if I'm going to make the goal by the 30th, I won't be posting here much, if at all, for November. Expect a revival come December, loyal audience of perhaps two.

À bientôt~


  1. You can do it! Also I think you should post the finished product in installments on this blog, a la Dickens. I would like to read it! Unless, of course, it is personal.

  2. I want to see it when it's done. I might even have a place you could get it published ;)

  3. Wow, that's an awesome goal! gogogogo!

    I always dreaded essays, which I felt I sounded like a total tool in most of the time, so I can't imagine making that many words come together in 30 days. I guess creative writing is much less daunting than blah blah blah [topic] for non-writing savvy folk though.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with! =D


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