
things I like this week, vol. 29

Artemis (one of my favorites of the Greek goddesses). I love what the painter said in an interview: 
That atmosphere is really important for me and especially for my work. I am not interested in what will happen, but only about what’s going on directly before that—before the moment when everything is revealed, because once the audience knows, there is no need for them to think or imagine anymore. If you can capture that moment before the scene’s main event, the story can go off in any direction… From there, it’s up to the viewer’s imagination. It would be different for everyone.

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On repeat.
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Ballerina project in Hawaii. The fragility of her pose and that dress against the mist sort of breaks my heart.  

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These pictures of WW2 workers and servicemen are incredible. I have only ever seen black and whites from this period - the color and the detail is so crisp that they look fake.(Her freckles!)

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The other song I've been playing on repeat the last week. She's a performance artist, and I appreciate that. And the interview she and Neil gave is awesome.  

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Some guy does tons of these. In snow. With snowshoes. Like crop circles, but cooler. (hrhr)

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