Amanda Fucking Palmer. With a keytar. And here's a lovely write-up of what she called a "ninja gig" at a record store.
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Speaks for itself.
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I refuse to pay $200 for something I could make myself if my sewing machine worked, but her designs are lovely. Michelle is wearing an outfit of hers in the video above.
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A map of the wind.
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A friend linked me to these. They would be perfect for tango shoes, if they had a leather sole (which you could actually get a cobbler to put on) and if one could afford the absurd price tag.
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It's so much better because it's in French.
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A craft.
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It's Stonehenge as a bouncing castle, and it's called Sacrilege.
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Lines from the Princess Bride that double as comments on Freshman Composition papers.
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I hate covers that sound just like the original. It has to innovate, somehow.
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Totally remarkable testament to the perseverance of literacy. (via my lovely aunt)
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The new Norah Jones album is fucking awesome. And the mp3 download is five bucks on Amazon.
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Also in the interest of bargains, this is a 10 year Tempranillo. It was given 90 points by Wine Advocate. It tastes like a dream. And Costco is selling it for eight bucks.
Want to try that Anciano! If only there was a good way to ship wine that didn't cost twice as much as the bottle itself . . .