
things I like this week, vol. 25

Believe in the holy contour of life

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Strange and ridiculous and lovely.

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The moon wobbles.

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How to Write: a memo from David Ogilvy, of which my favorite is no. 10:
If you want ACTION, don't write. Go and tell the guy what you want.
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I have a soft spot for goldens. (Who doesn't?) This one is the aide to a boy with fetal alcohol syndrome. The article is worth reading for emotional impact alone.

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The crash triggers the camera. More here.

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The photographer's portfolio is impressive.

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It is oddly intimate to watch someone else putting on her morning makeup.

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Despite the old stereotypes, educated women have better sex, have longer, healthier lives, and are less likely to get divorced. Get working on those degrees, ladies.

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I’ve often said that when I make a portrait what I’m really photographing is the space between the sitter and myself.
- Alec Soth
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It's a quotation from The Little Prince. How strange to see something that in my head is feminine and soft and child-like on such a hard, masculine body. I appreciate the contrast.

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